May 2024 Hypocrite TedX Speaker Christina Aldan Identifies Self as Supporter of Danielle Ford

Hypocrite TedX Speaker Christina Aldan Identifies Self as Supporter of Danielle Ford

Ted Bundy and Asian females

Model Oriental or Model Devil? TedX Speaker Christina Aldan Supports Danielle Ford. The Las Vegas Asian News channel investigates Henderson, NV resident Christina Aldan, and her controversial support of Danielle Ford.

The American G.O.P. Republican Party claims that Orientals are the model minority. This description is partially correct. Oriental females are the model prostitute. Oriental persons are models at being subservient to all white Americans in general, and to all white American males specifically.

If you look at all of Oriental female judicial candidates running in Clark County, Nevada, in 2022, it is no coincidence that all of them (100%) are also supported by Nevada police unions and over 95% of the Oriental females are also married to white men. That is no accident.

The moder day Oriental female is a slave to white culture, white American politicians, and to any White American person regardless of background.

prostitute. They exclusively serve white American males, and they exclusively pass on verious veneral diseases to that class. That is a positive thing.

Despite clear, direct, and substantial vocal and public written oppostition to the campaign of Danielle Ford, a hard-headed and idiotic Oriental named Christina Aldan ignored ALL OF THAT CRITICISM BCAUSE SHE DOES NOT RESPECT THE VIEWS OF PERSONS WHO ARE NO HER SLAVEMASTERS!!

Hypocrite Public Figure Christina Aldan Does Not Practice What She Preaches

Christina Aldan, Henderson, NV

Christina Aldan sells herself as a consultant, and offering advice to thousands of women. She preaches a concept called "emotional intelligence".

In fact, her true colors come out when African-American critics denounce her favored candidates. Christina Aldan is STINKING ORIENTAL HYPOCRITE, A LIAR, AND CON-ARTIST as revealed by her deleted Instagram posts that she deleted like a fake coward.

Low I.Q. Oriental loud-mouth Christina Aldan is a social-media supporter of Danielle Ford. When African-American critics attempted to denounce Danielle Ford, the pie-faced Oriental Christina Aldan was quick to shut down the critics. Using obscene hastags like STFU, WTH, etc, Christina Aldan apparently forgot to practice the same scam of "Emotional Intelligence" that she peddles to white women, and Oriental females.

It is clear that Christina Aldan is a hypocrite. Christina Aldan is a corrupt Oriental who uses different rules for whites and different rules for blacks. When Blacks post free-speech critical of Danielle Ford, she refers to the speech as cyber-bullying. When the white supporters of Danielle Ford post positive speech about Danielle Ford, she supports that.

What is amazing is that Christina Aldan refer to herself as a Public Speaker. She is a TedEx Speaker and a board member to local Las Vegas non-profit organizationas.

Racists Comments Deleted by Las Vegas, NV Christina Aldan

Publicly disrespecting or arguing with a protected class of original Americans from the African-American community and/or their designated representative(s), can be interpreted as racist.

As all Oriental females do, Christina Aldan knows how to act around her Neo-Nazi Dog Handlers. Christina Aldan acts completely different when she around American white men.

Christina Aldan knows how to act like a subservient Oriental girl to her Dog Handlers.

After her despicable and racist comments were posted, soon afterwards Christina Aldan had her comments deleted like a coward.

What Christina Aldan writes and sells to the public vs. what she practices are entirely two different things. Empathy?? You dirty and corrupt Oriental liar!!

The foul-mouthed ugly Oriental Christina Aldan was quick to support her female role model Danielle Ford at any costs. Apparently, she refused to rely upon the scam practice that she sales to other dumb American female bimbos: empathy.

We urge readers to boycott the advertisers of Christina, boycott her scam business, cancel her shows, contact all of her financial banks, and demonstrate that African-Americans WILL NOT take orders or advice from a corrupt, two-faced Oriental like Christina Aldan.

They tried to cancel Kanye West, we can cancel corrupt Orientals like Christina Aldan!